Is Your Health and Success Important to You?
Learn how Dr. Block finds the cause to fix these problems without Antidepressants

Message From Dr. Mary Ann Block
There are many medical conditions that can cause one to feel depressed or anxious. If you have been diagnosed and treated for depression or anxiety without being evaluated for thyroid problems, allergies, hormone imbalances or nutritional deficiencies,The Block Center Program might be right for you.
About Dr. Block
Is an Expert on Depression & Anxiety Without Psychiatric Drugs
Has Devoted the Last 20 Years to Helping Families Treat Depression & Anxiety Without Psychiatric Drugs
Has Helped Many People Return to Neurotypical
Went to Medical School at the Age of 39 to Save Her Own Daughter After Doctors Made Her Ill With Psychiatric Drugs
See Dr. Block on The Joni Lamb TV Show
Frequently Asked Questions
I find the most feeling of anxiousness is caused by a poor diet. Too many carbohydrates, infrequent protein in the diet can cause the release of adrenaline, which makes you feel anxious.
Change their diet
Depends on the drug. It is better to find and treat the actual cause than to just cover symptoms with drugs.
The idea of the chemical imbalance in the brain is off track. We cannot measure the chemicals in the brain. Our neurochemicals change constantly. If we smile, they change, if we frown, they change. We are constantly causing a chemical imbalance in our neurotransmitters. There are medical causes as well. Hypoglycemia, hypothyroidism, allergies, anemia all cause chemical imbalances. The treatment is not a drug but to balance the conditions that are found.
Yes, if you find and treat the cause.
Changing the diet and evaluating allergies is what I find helps the most often.