Menopause / PMS
Is Your Health and Success Important to You?
Post-Partum Depression is a Hormone Imbalance, Not a Psychiatric Disorder
It Is Not Depression
It Should Not Be Treated With Antidepressants
The Hormones Should Always Be Balanced
Antidepressant Side Effects Include: Heart Attack, Congestive Heart Failure, Stroke, Heart Block, Arrhythmias, High Blood Pressure, Confusion, Hallucinations, Hostility, Paranoia, Coma, Delusions
Message From Dr. Mary Ann Block
Many medical conditions can be caused from a hormone imbalance. Studies on the dangers of hormone replacement thereapy were done using Prempro, which is a combination of Premarin (Pregant Mare’s Urine Estrogen) and Provera (a progestin, not a progesterone). Using bio-identical hormone replacement means the hormones are identical bio-chemically to the natural hormones in our body.